imsc 2018


Perkin Elmer logo

Date: Wednesday August 29th from 12.30 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.
Room 1 - Ground Floor at Spadolini Pavilion

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Perkin Elmer Symposium, Wednesday August 29th, from 12.30 p.m. to 1.45 p.m.:

“The role of mass spectrometry in the quantitative analysis of allergens”

Linda Monaci, PhD
Head of LC-MS laboratory
Institute of Sciences of Food Production of the National Research Council (Bari, Italy)

In recent years, mass spectrometry has been establishing its role in the development of analytical methods for multiple allergen detection. In particular, the coupling between mass spectrometry and liquid chromatographic separation already exploited for food allergen identification/characterization proved to be also successful in allergen quantification.

The development of sensitive and reliable reference methods for allergen detection represents a priority for food industries and regulatory bodies in order to enforce the current allergen labelling regulation. In this talk, the latest advancement made in MS-based methodologies tailored to food allergen detection will be illustrated with emphasis placed on the forefront technology of mass analysers available on the market along with the need of harmonization to make it applicable from testing laboratories.

“Analytical approaches to the control of allergens in food industry”

Dr. Jean Pierre Studer
Global Lab Director at FERRERO s.p.a.

The problem of the presence of allergens in food is increasing its relevance every day and producers are more and more committed to declare potential presence of known allergenic ingredients. This has repercussions on quality control in large food corporations with the need to create a complete new set of analysis, often involving both ELISA testing and mass spectrometry. While high resolution mass spectrometry is used, in a proteomic-like workflow to identify the molecules indicative of a certain allergen, triple quad mass spectrometry is used for quantitative analysis of the indicative peptide(s). In this talk, we will describe how industry faces the challenges of allergens analysis and what the latest trends are.

Last update: 20/08/2018

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